Spoils of Time
Also in The Antique Center at Historic Savage Mill, 8600 Foundry Street, Savage Maryland

Owari marugata sukashi iron tsuba with matsukawa (water caltrop) motif
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item: #1496074
price: $695.00

An interesting Owari marugata form tsuba. The sukashi decoration of water caltrop is unusual with the side views top and bottom and the silohuette views left and right of the seppa-dai. Owari examples usually portray the water caltrop with open-work (rather than silhouetted) centers. The water caltrop is referred to in Japanese art terminology as “matsukawa” because of its shape and texture resembling pieces of coarse pine bark. The size, shape, proportion, symmetric decoration and plum color of the iron consistent with Owari. Appears to be scant traces of original lacquer on the surface. One hitsu-ana for kozuka or bashin. Azuchi-Momoyama period, Circa 1600. Good condition. Diameter, 3 1/8 inches

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